
Michael Recchione, Cisco

Tom Anderson, ATIS


Multi-Network Enterprise Solutions

Enterprises utilize a wide variety of networks and network technologies to deliver services and support internal operations. Managing this diverse communication environment is challenging. Each network may have different authentication credentials with separate identity providers as well as different security capabilities, policies, levels of performance and coverage domains. Often, enterprises depend on the “least common denominator” for network capabilities while building complex, bespoke overlay solutions to achieve an acceptable level of management control. Inevitably, the result is an expensive and complex environment with sub-optimal end-to-end network performance. In addition, this “least common denominator” approach limits the types of features and services offered by communication providers.

The MNES Initiative is developing a set of applicable use cases across a variety of enterprise scenarios, including vertical industries, to confirm the value and feature set required and help establish high-level requirements.  Based on the identified requirements, they are defining a functional architecture and interfaces required to deliver the feature set and develop a structure that integrates and simplifies the management and operations of this complex multi-network environment.